
The Malta FA is being represented at the 73rd FIFA Congress happening in Rwanda

Published: 16-03-2023 14:28
WhatsApp Image 2023-03-16 at 08.11.14.jpeg

The 73rd FIFA Congress is taking place in the African city of Kigali, capital of Rwanda, with 211 members, including Malta, electing Gianni Infantino as President for the third consecutive time.  Gianni Infantino has run unopposed and will lead FIFA for another four years until 2027.  In this way Infantino won a second full mandate (since in his first election he filled the place vacated by Sepp Blatter) after he was already elected in the year 2019 in his first complete mandate.

But apart from the election, the Congress for the Member Associations also included a report on the activities and competitions organized by FIFA around the world in the year 2022, an explanation of the financial reports and also a presentation was made by the working group on human rights and social responsibility, all of which were approved by the officers present. For Malta, on behalf of the Malta FA, President, Bjorn Vassallo attended, together with the General Secretary, Dr. Angelo Chetcuti and Treasurer, Ivan Mizzi.

In comments given by the Malta FA President from Africa, on behalf of the Maltese football family, he congratulated the President-elect, Gianni Infantino and expressed how gratifying it is to see that in a short time FIFA managed to become a financially stable organization, committed to working more and more in the field of human rights and which is investing unprecedentedly in the development of football all over the world with special programs for children.

In the last days in Kigali, additional to the Congress, meetings of the different confederations were held.  A meeting of the FIFA Council was also held during which the new international calendar and the composition and the new format of the next World Cup in the year 2026 were discussed.

After this Congress, the European Member Associations will once again gather together at the beginning of April in Lisbon in Portugal, for the 47th UEFA Congress. During this Congress, the current President of UEFA, the Slovenian, Aleksander Ceferin, is expected to be re-elected in the same position for a new mandate. In the same meeting, the elections for the ordinary members of the UEFA Executive Committee will also be held, with the President of the Malta FA, Bjorn Vassallo being a candidate for the place in the highest body of European football.